The Future of Pre-Procedure and Preoperative Assessment


Ultramed is a pioneering health technology company, placing innovation and first-class patient experience at the forefront of our strategy. Combining clinical NHS executive experience with international design expertise, we provide elegant, patient-focused solutions to common problems. Over the past two years, we have developed a suite of online patient assessment programs under the Ultraprep banner. They offer a cloud-hosted, online preoperative assessment and pre-procedure assessment process for a variety of different specialities and departments.

Prior to an operation or procedure, the patient creates a secure Ultramed account and inputs their data online, giving them the option to complete their assessment remotely from the comfort of their own home instead of having to attend a dedicated appointment. In addition to the obvious patient benefits, the Ultraprep suite of programs dramatically enhances hospital processes without the usual complex integration requirements such platforms require, ultimately minimising associated costs and freeing up resources for hospitals and the healthcare professionals who work there.

Please contact us to find out more and to see how Ultramed can help you and your trust.


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Why go digital?



"Our values haven’t changed, but our world has. So the NHS needs to adapt to take advantage of the opportunities that science and technology offer patients, carers and those who serve them."  

- NHS, Five Year Forward View

More and more people are taking responsibility and using healthcare apps and software to be empowered, conscious and self-aware curators of their own wellbeing, and our healthcare services should reflect and embrace this shift. The Paperless 2020 initiative within the NHS is just the start in terms of how digitising certain processes can benefit patients, healthcare professionals and and hospitals alike; as well as allowing patients more freedom, a digital pre-procedure assessment process prevents the administrative 'bottlenecking' associated with traditional one-on-one appointments, freeing up valuable clinician time. As a result the platform dramatically enhances hospital processes without complex integration requirements, ultimately minimising associated costs and saving the hospital as a whole time and money.

Ultramed is proud to have been awarded the 2017 Medilink South West award for co-operation with the NHS. We hope to continue our work offering digital solutions for common problems within trusts and hospitals and bringing accessible healthcare into the future.

Find out what we could do for your organisation today; click here to browse our suite of Ultraprep products.


Interested in our products? Get in touch today to arrange a free demo for your organisation or trust.