Ultraprep and Integration
Ultraprep programs are designed to be implemented with minimal impact on existing IT. This avoids tying up IT experts with complex integration procedures and means Ultraprep programs can be implemented quickly.
There are no specific hardware requirements, other than a reliable internet connection. Any modern computer produced in the last 5 years will be capable of using Ultraprep programs. The interface is dynamically tailored to give the best experience on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. The whole process is operating system independent, and have pan-operating system compatibility, including mobile operating systems.
Our recommended browsers are IE 9+, Chrome 40+, Safari 6+ and Firefox 30+. Ultraprep programs require Javascript to be enabled but do not use Java or any third party plugins. If an older, incompatible browser is used then a warning screen will appear with links to download a compatible browser.
Ultraprep is new software written to the latest standards and is able to export data in a number of formats depending on the requirements of the organisation implementing it. In all instances, data can be provided as a human readable PDF report, or in machine readable formats (CSV, XML, JSON). Full integration can utilise HL7 formats or direct FHIR communication if the organisation’s EPR supports it. Precise integration requirements are assessed on a Trust by Trust basis.
Depending on requirements, five levels of integration are possible, mainly dependent on the existing EPR and IT systems that an organisation already has.
1) No electronic integration
No data is transferred. The patient prints and brings the completed record with them. This is only included for completeness and is only suitable for very small scale trials. The paper form is then stored in the patient’s conventional paper based notes.
2) Secure email of each completed form to a nominated email address at the healthcare provider.
This is the most basic integration, allowing the Trust to receive a digital version of the record which can then be stored in an Electronic Document Management system alongside other information held about that patient. This is as a PDF which means it cannot be audited within that organisation. It is ideal for trials of Ultraprep programs and has a very low IT impact.
3) ‘Pull’ integration.
Ultramed will set up a secure File Transfer area on your behalf, and the Trust then “pull” records from it to be stored using existing systems. This can be done at full scale implementation in a Trust that currently lacks Secure FTP storage.
4) ‘Push’ integration
If a Trust has existing, externally accessible Secure FTP storage then Ultramed can “push” Ultraprep records to that storage when they are completed. The Trust’s existing system can then integrate the data either as a PDF or it can be automatically inputted into a “user defined form” set up within the existing EPR. Using this “user defined form” means the data is fully auditable and usable within the organisation. This is Ideal for a full scale roll-out in a trust with more advanced IT capability.
5) Full EPR integration
If a Trust’s EPR system is capable of receiving data from external sources, Ultramed can push formatted data directly into it. This is the most involved integration. This level of integration brings the greatest long-term efficiency. Each discrete piece of data from Ultraprep needs to be matched to a discrete location in the existing EPR e.g. information from Ultraprep about a person’s allergy needs to map across to the correct place in the EPR and be labelled as “patient generated data” and include the date it was created.
Ultraprep canbe integrated to a greater or lesser extent depending on a Trusts requirements and existing IT systems. It is designed to be “best of breed” as a preoperative system to integrate with a core EPR system.